Common Sense Listing

Contact me today to find out how I can sell your home for free!
You can call me at 719-593-SOLD
or just send a quick email to

Jeff Ryder's
Common Sense Listing

  • Sell your property yourself, while it is listed and pay no commission

    This does not apply to a buyer exposed to the property by my office or another agent.

  • Cancel the listing at anytime

    Either you or I can cancel by calling and saying "I want to cancel the listing." It's that simple. The cancellation becomes effective at the time you call. Please allow 2 business days to have the sign removed and the the listing removed from the Multiple Listing Service.

  • No advance fees of any kind

    You only pay if I procure an offer that is acceptable to you.

  • "No Pressure" presentation

    I will never allow you to be "pressured" by the buyer's agent. All offers will be faxed, emailed or delivered to my office and presented to you by us, so you can make you decision privately.

  • Flexible Commissions!

• 4% if our team brings in the buyer and there is no other agent involved.

• 1% if you find the buyer and there is no other agent involved. Our team will write the contract and walk it through escrow for you. Minimum $1200.00

• 6% If another agent brings in the buyer.

• 0% if you bring in the buyer and there is no other agent involved, and we don’t write the contract.
Buying and Selling? You can save thousands more!
Call for details on selling your home for free!
