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I just walked out of the Colorado Springs Home Builders Association (HBA) with tickets to this year’s Parade of Homes, running from August 3rd to the 21st. Even if you’re not thinking about moving, this is a great opportunity to learn about ways to upgrade your house, information on new technology, and other innovations you can use as a homeowner.
The parade offers the general public a first-hand look at current trends and the best innovations in new home design. Even if you’re just looking for ideas on how to upgrade your home, I think there is a lot to learn. At the parade, you’ll also see the latest in affordable living as well as homes priced well over $1 million featuring every amenity you can imagine.
This is a great opportunity to learn about ways to upgrade your house.
Every home is professionally judged based on many different features, including landscaping, floor plan, architectural exterior, interior decorating, and much more. Every year the HBA includes the People’s Choice Award, so you get to vote on what you like best.
As I mentioned, tickets are usually $10, but as a thank you for being my clients and my friends, I’m going to give you up to four for free. All you have to do is email me at or give me a call at 719.593.7653. I’d be happy to get them to you right away. I’ll see you at the parade.